Looking for ideal locations to work remotely, add Belize to your list!
Looking for Ideal Locations to Work Remotely, Add Belize to Your List If you’re one of the lucky ones able to work through the pandemic and made the transition to remote work, then keep reading. While covid certainly introduced many changes to our lives, for some of us, the transition from work to home was […]
Belize in a Bite, Top destinations to savour the culture of Belize
Belize in a Bite, Top destinations to savour the culture of Belize Some people eat to live, others live to eat. If you’re in the second category, then you are officially what’s known in contemporary parlance as a foodie. Foodies are some of the best people to know. If they don’t know where to find […]
The Belize Hotel Association: Who we are
The Belize Hotel Association is a non-Governmental Organization, with a vested interest and an obligation to the overnight sector of Belize and in that role, serves on many industry committees, which plays an integral part in decisions as it pertains to the hotel sector. The dynamics of the Belize Hotel Association is changing and with […]